Wednesday, July 5, 2017

ToySECT - Action Figure and Toy Review - 011 Spider-Man - Marvel Legends Large Scale

Hello and thanks for coming back! With the sixth (!) Spider-Man film just days away, I figure we'll just focus on our favorite spandex clad smart mouth for the next few reviews. Today we are going to look at the Marvel Legends Large Scale Spider-Man. He is part of the first wave of large scale super articulated action figures from Hasbro along with Cap and Iron Man. With an initial $49.99 price tag I bet you've seen Spidey here on a shelf or two at your local Wal-Mart or Toys R Us. He stands around 12" (didn't measure) and is loosely based on the 6" "Pizza" Spider-Man. (without the pizza) It's been a while since we had a articulated Spider-Man in this scale. I found the Toy Biz 12" one quite a few years ago and liked how he was displayed upside down, hanging from his web, so I left him in the box. When I finally did open him years later, the curse took hold and upon testing all the joints his ankle just snapped right off. So let this be a lesson to you: if you're going to open your toys, do it right away. If they break, you are more likely to be able to return it and find a replacement. 


Out of the three figures offered in wave 1 of this new line, Spider-Man, even with the least amount of detail, was the one I really wanted. Captain America and Iron Man looked like great figures too, with all the benefits a larger scale could offer, but Spider-Man begged to be opened and played with. Like most of you, the $49.99 pice tag just meant I would admire them on the shelves and leave them there. $19.99 for a 6" figure means I can pick and choose the characters I really want and leave the ones I'm not familiar with or just don't care about. $50 is quite an investment for what basically is a larger version of a figure I already own. So why is he in my collection? Luck. While hunting down the latest Marvel Legends wave at a local Wal-Mart, I happened to see a lone black box on the top shelf and took it down to have an employee scan it to check the price. Would you believe he told me "$13 bucks"? $13.00?!? I could tell you I like this figure for the two extra portraits (unmasked and half-masked), the three sets of hands (fist, wall crawling and web shooting), sculpted web shooters on his wrists, or the great articulation, including swivel calf and mid foot joints, but it's the price tag that had me doing cartwheels in the isle. An old boss once told there's an old saying in retail. "There are no bad items, just bad prices." Not that this is a bad product, even at half the original price is tempting, but who could've walked away from basically a 75% discount. 


Besides a ridiculous starting price, this is a pretty solid release. His webs on his costume are painted on, not sculpted in. This was probably for the reuse of the body in other figures. (Target's Black Suit Spider-Man and Deadpool's arms and legs) A base would have been nice, and as I've said many times before, we need some webs! Time to go buy some string I guess.

What if...

I'm really not sure on how to speculate on the future of this line. With some of Marvel's biggest names already out there (Spidey, Cap, Iron Man in wave 1, Deadpool in wave 2, with Thor and Hulk coming soon), Wolverine seems like the only other candidate who could make some sales. Maybe Daredevil, as all they would have to do is sculpt a new head. 

Finish Him!

So yeah, I'm pretty excited too have this Spider-Man in my collection, even though I doubt he'll ever have any villains to fight in this scale. He looks pretty cool just posing around on my desk or on the shelf. I never would have gotten him if I hadn't found him for so cheap, so I feel that the toy gods have smiled down upon me. I like him better than the 18" Spider-Man we got years ago from Spider-Man 2. He doesn't have 60+ points of articulation, but he can at least stand on his own. 5 out of 5 slices of pizza (extra large of course) for this giant-sized Spider-Man here. 

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