Thursday, July 6, 2017

ToySECT - Action Figure and Toy Review - 012 Black Suit Spider-Man - Marvel Legends

You're back! Welcome to yet another edition of ToySECT. Keeping with our Spider-Man theme, today we have the Marvel Legends Black Suit Spider-Man. This costume was introduced in the early 80's in the Marvel crossover event called Secret Wars. Not only was it a limited comic series, but it also showcased a toy line as well. Even though most characters in the line shared the same body mold, it was one of my favorites growing up as a kid. Many familiar heros and villains appeared here, plus some new flavors, like our new black suited friend here. This new version is part of the Sandman build-a-figure wave, and is a much needed upgrade from the last time we were treated to a 6" Black Suit Spidey. 


What we have here is a no brainer for Hasbro. A simple recipe of a little white paint on some black plastic and Bam!, we have a winner. The body is the same as the last few Spider-Man figures, but there's something special about this one. The quality of the plastic seems to be top notch. He has the same articulation you'd expect on Marvel Legends figures, and his range of movement is fantastic, but I am amazed how well his joints move and keep their position. He only has two sets of hands in the box, as this Spider-Man shoots his webs from the tops of his fists, so no need for the classic web shooting hands. This guy has tons of personality. For a simple figure with minimal accessories, he's quickly become one of my favorites in the line. The black suit is my second favorite Spidey costume, but right now this is my favorite Spider-Man figure. Oh, and I got him on sale at Target for $12.49. Word.


Well there's not much to dislike here. Even though he's light on accessories, he makes up for it in playability. The last 6" Black Suit release had some blue painted on for some shading and tone, but I'm glad they left it off this one. I would have loved to have a second portrait included, either a half-masked or a symbiote-up-the-face head, especially since we did't need the third set of hands, but what can you do.  

What if...

There have been some damn fine releases in this line, so what does the future hold for more Spider-Man figures? Repaints? More/less articulation? Spider-Ham? (Please!) Hasbro has done pretty well with it's offerings since it redesigned the line's look starting with the Amazing Spider-Man 2/Green Goblin build-a-figure wave. Let's hope it keeps getting better.

Finish Him!

If you like the costume, and you want a fun toy, I say get him. He poses great and looks cool hanging around your computer. I still see him in stores, but I'm betting he'll dry up soon. 5 out of 5 goth kids for our back-in-black web slinger here. 

Side note:

My Target put up their Spider-Man: Homecoming endcap up today and I saw their exclusive Large Scale Marvel Legends Black Suit Spider-Man today. $59.99. Yep. Twice the size of this guy and three times the price. He does come with an extra Peter Parker head (and classic web shooting hands, "Do you guys even watch the show?") I just found the big Deadpool at Target that came 'n went on the back clearance endcap for $14.98. I suspect this one will join him soon. 

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